This new era demands collective leadership, not heroic individuals

1st August 2014 Press

The old style of leadership is at odds with our complex and networked world…

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Old School Campaigning Wont Stop Extreme Weather

6th March 2014 Press

The UK Floods and brutally cold weather in the US is keeping climate change on the agenda. Campaigners are seizing on … read more

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Be a Better MP and You Can Have Your Money

10th December 2013 Press

I for one am open to increasing MPs pay. If, and it is a very big ‘if’, they become much, much … read more

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Beyond Mandela – Why Today’s Leaders Don’t Match Madiba

9th December 2013 Press

Why is it that so many of our political giants, from Obama to Blair, let us down? And what is it … read more

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Innovation culture: presenting the 10 new commandments

12th November 2013 Press

Public sector innovation has become more about style and efficiency than substance and real transformation

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Why our leaders let us down

22nd April 2013 Press

The heroic leaders of the past must make way for managers who are flexible, reflective and sensitive

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How not to create a ‘big society’

29th January 2013 Press

There are six fatal errors that killed off David Cameron’s flagship policy idea of giving power back to the people

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