Leadership Design

3rd January 2014


To provide support for the FE sector to invest in the kind of leadership development it needs.


The Education and Training Foundation


The Further Education Sector is having to adapt to radical reductions in budgets and to new technologies which are profoundly changing the leadership style which is required to support the needs of the sector. We created a publication which had the purpose of delineating a new way of doing leadership which prioritises transformative leadership.


In January 2014 We undertook a 6 month research process to assess the needs and thinking of FE leaders. We spoke to a mixture of emerging and current leaders across the education skills sector and we also spoke to many of the leading practioners and thinkers in the leadership development space.


We packaged that thinking into set of guidelines that are useful to practioners of this process in the education and skills sector. The Leadership Design publication is available to download now.

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